It’s almost time! “Time for what,” you might be asking. Time for the second season of “Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge.” This show is one of my absolute favorites! The plot is so good, the characters are brilliant and the costumes are beautiful. The show centers around one of the finest department stores in the world: Selfridges & Co. American retail tycoon, Harry Gordon Selfridge and his family find themselves in London in 1909. Jeremy Piven stars as the flamboyant entrepreneur and showman seeking to provide London's shoppers with the ultimate merchandise and the ultimate thrill.
Warning: season one spoilers ahead!
The season one finale definitely left us wanting more and wonder what the future has in store for all the characters. Ellen Love, Harry’s former mistress stars in a play where the characters too closely resemble Harry and his wife, Rose. Along with the public humiliation that follows, Harry learns about the handsome painter, Roddy, and Rose. While Rose denies her feelings for Roddy when confronted by Harry, she decides to take their children back to Chicago. Mr. Grove proposes to the kind accessories sales girl, Doris. She accepts, but what about his long affair with Miss Mardle? Of course, their relationship ends with our hearts breaking alongside hers. Henri Leclair, the ever handsome Frenchman, is offered a job in New York and decides to leave Selfridges. This entire storyline is shocking and sad for a few reasons: 1. Wait. Henri and Agnes, the blossoming rising star of Selfridges, finally start a relationship together. If he leaves, they are done, caput, no more. Now Agnes is free to reconnect with Victor... 2. Henri gets in an awful argument with Harry about leaving which results in Harry basically throwing Henri out of his office. What will come of that bromance? Those two are besties! In “Masterpiece Sneak Preview: Mr. Selfridge Season 2,” airing Sunday, March 23 at 9 p.m. on WNED-TV, we’ll all get an exciting taste of the new season and see what our favorites have been up to. Five years have passed, it’s now 1914, and the many fascinating characters whose lives revolve around Selfridges & Co. have move into a new era. The second season officially begins Sunday, March 30 at 9 p.m. What are your predictions for Season 2? Feel free to comment below!
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